

你多久设定一次新的财务目标? 你多久能实现一次?

我们大多数人的目标都不是很成功, 即使我们有最好的意图和强大的意志力.1 有时候,这是因为我们设定了无法实现的目标. Other times, we’re missing the big picture and setting our goals with blinders on.2

Either way, many of us get tripped up with our goals right out of the gate simply because of 如何 we set them — and because we don’t realize there’s a better way to do it.1

更好的方法不复杂也不耗时. It involves a simple strategy you probably already use in some other area of your life.2


  1. 哪里会出错 
  2. 如何为自己设定更好的目标
  3. How we can stop being our own worst enemies with goal setting 


你现在的头号财务目标是什么? What do you want to be able to achieve more than anything else financially (and in life)?


That’s what most folks say when they list their number one financial goal off the top of their heads.2

事实上, 退休是目前为止最重要的财务目标, beating out any other self-reported goals by at least three times.2 And that’s true across practically every generation, background, and earnings bracket.2

现在,你的第二个和第三个财务目标是什么? 你觉得这些是什么?

再一次。, 大多数人都会即兴给出类似的答案, 说他们的第二和第三大财务目标是: 

  • 买房子.2
  • 现在对自己的财务状况更有安全感了.2

Those all seem like decent goals, and they may even be some of the ones you’ve set for yourself. 


  1. 你设置好了吗? 最好的 goals for yourself, based on where you want to be in the next 5, 10, or even 25 years?
  2. 在你的脑海中设定目标是最重要的吗 最好的 方法?
  3. 更好的目标怎么能给你更大的成功机会?


现在,让我们从另一个角度来看这个问题. Instead of coming up with goals out of thin air, check out the short list of “options” below.

  1. 比同龄人过得更好
  2. 为个人的自我提升买单(如.g.回到学校或学习一项新技能)
  3. 体验投资的兴奋
  4. 开始一项新的事业
  5. 买房子
  6. 来支付我孩子的大学学费
  7. 停止工作,做自己喜欢的事
  8. 去度过一个梦想中的假期

现在你有了,“退休”仍然是你的最高目标吗? 你会改变你的前三个目标吗? 

信不信由你, most folks change at least one of their top three financial goals after looking at a longer list of options. And at least half change their first or second financial goal.2

This change alone is remarkable because it highlights 如何 lists can influence us. 

But here’s what may be even more fascinating — those goals were not swapped out for objectives of “equal value.”而不是, 人们换掉了原来的, 最重要的目标和更清晰的新目标, 更精确的, 而且更加以价值为基础.2

换句话说, lists can unlock better choices and s如何 us all of the options when we’re setting goals.2

为什么列表很重要? & 在财务目标设定之外

Pop quiz — If you had $1 million to give away to any charities of your choice, 不管你想怎么做, 你怎么划分?

难道你宁愿一头扎进去,不管你愿不愿意都开始捐赠? Or would you prefer to look at a list of 100 charities first and make some thoughtful choices?

Recognizing the true value of lists can be a little easier in a different light, 目标设定之外. That doesn’t make lists any less powerful in helping us make smarter choices, 如何ever.2

On the contrary, lists detail our options and make things clear for us 一直以来. They give us a way to see past those familiar choices we gravitate towards, 它们可以创造奇迹,帮助我们找到更好的选择, especially when we’re making big decisions about finances and our futures.2

That’s true no matter what we want in the future or where we are in life.2

如何为你的财务设定更好的目标 & 你的生活 

设定目标并不是一件一劳永逸的事. It’s also not something you want to do on the fly if you’re serious about setting better goals and really achieving them. The reality is that any of us can struggle with setting goals in finance and life, and we may be fighting a losing battle with ourselves if we haven’t set good enough goals.

然而,这并不一定是一场战斗,我们可以赢. 只要有正确的工具和观点, we can really hone our ability to set the right goals for ourselves. 这可能是保持正轨的关键之一, 剩余的动机, and achieving real progress and success with any goals in both finance and life.2,3


  1. http://hbr.org/2021/01/why-we-set-unattainable-goals
  2. http://www.financialplanningassociation.org/sites/default/files/2020-07/Sin_Murphy_Lamas_July2019.pdf
  3. http://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.704790/full

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